jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2019

Books and authors

Is difficult to choose a favorite book. Many of them come to my mind, but I cannot put one upon another. Each one has a different story, style and topics. So I can only rank the books of the same author. And also, obviously I have my favorite ones.

In a quick reflection, I think that my favorite authors are:
Julia Navarro, a Spanish journalist who writes historical novels. I like them a lot because it includes political and social facts in a fiction story. Also the characters are so realistic. The last one that I´ve read is “You will not kill”. A story of the Spanish civil war of the 20s.
Ryszard Kapuscinski, a polish journalist that has a big variety of stories. In most cases are real tales that he recover as a reporter. My favorite one is “Another day of life”, that takes place in the independence of Angola from the Portuguese people in the 60s.
Michel Houellbecq, a French novelist that writes stories about solitary people in depressive situations. His reflections about culture and European polithics are very interesting. The last one from him that I´ve read is “Soumission”, that takes place in a fictional France governed by muslims.

Resultado de imagen para tu no mataras julia navarroResultado de imagen para kapuscinski un dia mas con vidaResultado de imagen para houellebecq sumision

The last book that I´ve read, the last week, is “Animal Farm”, by George Orwell. Is a satiric story of the Russian revolution. The characters are animals, and Russian governors of that times are pigs. I recommend it.

Resultado de imagen para rebelion en la granja orwell

3 comentarios:

  1. I had to read a book about Ryszard Kapuscinski in my first semester! He's an incredible journalist. Animal Farm is a great book, also written by a great author. Have you read 1984? I recommend it!

  2. I loved how Orwell described and professed the history of Russia in the 20th century.

  3. I don't like Ryszard Kapuscinski, it's a crazy opinion, but I think he is a hypocrite journalist. :(


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