jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2019

My future job

In the future I would like to work in massive media. But that, in these years, is a problem because press, radio or TV are not hiring a lot of people. So to have a space in that area now is very difficult. The other option of work being a journalist is in business or social organizations. Taking care of their internal and external communications. But that kind of job doesn’t motivate me a lot, but I know that work conditions and salary are better that in massive media.

I think that next year I’ll try do to my practice, hopefully, in press. A newspaper would be perfect, but radio or TV is also good. There I can evaluate the work conditions, salary and possibilities of moving forward there. If I like it, I’ll try to stay there. But if I don´t, maybe I change my thoughts of my ideal job.

Resultado de imagen para press

Also I would like to study something else. Not necessarily another career, but maybe a minor or a magister in the area that I know that I can work and I like it. For example, if I am working in mass media, do a magister of social communication. Or if I am working in internal communication of business organizations, do a magister that helps me in that job. 

5 comentarios:

  1. who would say that? a man who is studying journalism wants to work on his área, really amazing

  2. You are right, the situation of hiring people in the massive media is difficult nowadays

  3. I would like to study a magister too... but I don't have money for that now:(

  4. The situation with the massive media is a proble, but one must not lose the hope


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