jueves, 22 de agosto de 2019

Post 1 – A country I´d like to visit

A few years ago I´d started to think that Mexico is a very interesting country. First of all, is very large, so it has different landscapes and cities, each of all with striking things to see.

In my case, the first city that I´d visit can be Mexico City. Is the capital. The most important city, and the one with more population and attractions. Also I heard that is very cheap, so if I go there I can stay long.

But not everything is good there. I´ve also heard that Mexico City, and the country in general, is very dangerous. Is infested by drug gangs, and also tourist are assaulted a lot. So, to do something else, like study there, not only visit, first I’d have to inform myself. Know the safe places to live, and the level of the universities. I think they are good (at least the Autonoma is good), but not much than here in Chile.

Resultado de imagen para ciudad de mexico
The urban center of Mexico City

5 comentarios:

  1. I love the culture in Mexico, I think that every city or country is dangerous in some way, but if you don't take risks you don't need to be afraid.

  2. I also think that Mexico is very dangerous, but if one is cautious it ca be a pleasant journey.

  3. wow, I've heard that the mexican police is the most corrupt in latin America, I'd feel unsafe there. But... I like mexican food :D

  4. What a nice place to visit! I know it can be dangerous, but If your careful it can be really fun, I would love to go specially on halloween!

  5. you´re very brave, after I saw "sicario" I'd never go to mexico alone


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